Woolmark Performance Challenge: un’opportunità unica per gli studenti universitari
Le candidature per la nuova edizione del contest Woolmark Performance Challenge sono aperte. Sarà possibile iscriversi entro il 24 Maggio 2019.
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Il Woolmark Performance Challenge rappresenta un’opportunità unica per gli studenti universitari che vogliono mettersi alla prova e realizzare prodotti innovativi per lo sport, sperimentando nuove applicazioni della lana Merino australiana. In premio un importante contributo economico e la possibilità di vincere uno stage di tre mesi in Adidas, partner ufficiale del progetto.
Oltre al premio individuale assegnato allo studente vincitore, alla sua istituzione verrà anche assegnato un premio in denaro di 10.000 €, in riconoscimento del suo ruolo nello sviluppo e nel sostegno alla crescita di alcune delle menti più innovative della prossima generazione.
The Woolmark Performance Challenge is an annual product innovation competition open to tertiary students. It provides an opportunity to apply the unique benefits of Australian Merino wool to innovative new product applications in the sports and performance market.
Friday 24 May 2019 SUBMISSIONS CLOSE
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The Woolmark Performance Challenge presents an unrivalled opportunity for tertiary students to apply the science and performance benefits of Australian Merino wool to innovative new product applications. It is not only a unique learning experience for students, but also provides the winner with a financial reward and potential for further collaboration.
Entry requirements
To participate in the Competition, you must submit an Entry. Your Entry must include all the below requirements and be submitted via the website at www.woolmarkchallenge.com. Any materials in excess of the following requirements will not be considered: four files per student with each file limited to 7MB (only .pdf or .jpg format). Note: your Entry may not include any personal information about people other than you.
Lo sapevi che chiedere la pubblicazione di comunicati stampa promozionali gratuitamente è evasione fiscale. ==> LEGGI QUI perchè.
a) As part of their entry, Students are to devise and submit an innovative and original solution or idea which would be of value to the wool industry (the Innovation).
b) The Innovation must relate to the theme of ‘sports and performance’.
c) The Innovation must be described in writing and with the aid of diagrams, pictures and other media in the format of 4 PDF files no larger than 7MB each.
Lo sapevi che chiedere la pubblicazione di comunicati stampa promozionali gratuitamente è evasione fiscale. ==> LEGGI QUI perchè.
d) Students are to submit any ideas and / or material that inspired their Innovation. For example, an outline of mood boards, fabrics etc) (the Inspiration). This may include diagrams, pictures and other media. The Inspiration will not be judged as part of the Student’s Entry, but will be used to verify the originality of the Innovation.
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