Tallinn. Festival Christmas Jazz 2018 in Estonia

Festival Christmas Jazz 2018 takes places from November 28 to December 15.
Christmas Jazz opening concert „9 Hymns to Freedom“ on November 28 is dedicated to Estonia 100.
The project is a collaboration of Estonian Jazz Union and Jazzkaar. This year’s headliner is dazzling Lizz Wright, who performs on 9th of December at the Alexela Concert Hall with the Estonian Dream Big Band conducted by Siim Aimla.
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The opening concert „9 Hymns to Freedom“ is a nine-part composition by Estonian jazz composers, where every part symbolises one important event or person in the history of Estonia. Together with our best jazz musicians, the performance will also feature folk, rock, electronica and other genre musicians, together a 100 of them. The artistic director of the concert is Siim Aimla and staging director Eva Koldits.
This year’s headliner Lizz Wright is performing in Estonia for a second time. In 2012 as the headliner of festival Jazzkaar she mesmerized with her velvety voice, emotional presence and warmth. Singers’ deep sounding r’n’b, soul, folk, jazz and gospel sounds will burst in flames in emotion. Her performance is Norah-Jones-like simplistic, and her voice is compared to legendary Nina Simone and Cassandra Wilson. The singer feels herself at home in all genres.
Christmas Jazz is an intimate festival suitable for the festive season that fills churches, concert halls and clubs with beautiful jazz for two weeks, from the end of November to the beginning of December. This is a perfect opportunity to discover a magical Christmas-themed Tallinn during the day and the world’s finest jazz artists in the evening.
Last updated : 14.11.2018
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