Intervista ad Alessia Glaviano, brand visual director Vogue Italia
Alessia Glaviano
Vogue Italia’s photo editor is the girl to know in the world of photography. She sat down with La DoubleJ to talk about her most memorable shoots, her mentor Franca Sozzani and 20 years at fashion’s style bible.
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Portrait Photography: Alberto Zanetti — Photography Assistant: Chiara Quadri
Location Photography: Mattia Iotti — Make-up: Francesco Mammone
Words: Laura Todd.
“When I arrived at Vogue, we didn’t even have email – it was basically a billion years ago.”
If you’re a young photographer, Alessia Glaviano is, without question, the girl to know. The Palermo-born, Milan based photo editor holds the golden key to fashion’s holiest book: Vogue Italia. Since taking up her post 18 years ago, Glaviano has helped mould the magazine’s approach to photography, taking it beyond glossy, model-filled mega-styled shoots — though it’s still, gloriously, known for that — towards a more democratic, socially curious place.
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The family home we sit in is very much a testament to that upbringing. From floor to ceiling the walls are a jumbled patchwork of photographs and paintings accumulated from family and friends: black and white photographs by her father; museum-worthy paintings and sculptures by Severini (in fact, Fondazione Prada recently borrowed a life-size sculpture of Glaviano’s grandmother as a girl for a recent exhibition); Franchina’s wild, abstract constructions. Her place, across town in trendy Porta Venezia, has a similar aesthetic, she insists: “I collect photos and books on photography” she says, “my house is similar, just on a smaller scale.”
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